Scorpions SC is proud of its record developing players. Our training program gives young players core principles that apply at every competitive level. Many players work hard at applying these building blocks in their game, and we acknowledge this effort with promotions-- over 150 of them last season!

It's a proven player pathway to the highest levels of high school, college and professional ball. Scorpions prides ourselves on hiring the best coaches that follow our Training Curriculum, to ensure that all levels of play are getting similar instruction with common terms and language. This allows players that excel at one level to seamlessly integrate into higher levels as they earn promotions.

"Recruiting good, established players is obviously a huge part of club soccer," said Scorpions President Nick Rugnetta. "But it's also our responsibility to nurture and develop players at every skill level. It's really special when players make the leap from teal to white to black or from State Select to ECNL. Players work harder when there's a carrot in front of them. If they put in the time and effort, that will earn them shot at the next level. It's those players that   become the backbone of the club."

Check out the infographic below for the crunched numbers.


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